Personal Experience with Lyme Disease and Candida by: Dr. Paul Farber In July of 1992 I was bitten by the Deer Tick (Ixodes Scapularis) which according to Dr. Thomas Craig, D.V.M. of the Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology carries the Spirochete which is the causative agent of Lyme disease. After my diagnosis was confirmed a medical doctor, who is a neurologist, put me first on Penicillin orally for two weeks, and then intravenously for four weeks. The results to my symptomatology were minimal and I experienced many side effects including Candida Yeast Infection because of the penicillin's destructive effect on the friendly acidophilus bacteria in my stomach and colon . Since this treatment did not work, the neurologist prescribed a cephalosporin called Rocephan. Unfortunately, this treatment accomplished no more than the penicillin, had many unpleasant side effects, and worsened my candida yeast infection. Not knowing what to do, or where to go next I was led to a Dr. Joe Cardot*. Dr. Cardot told me that Mild Silver Protein was helpful against spirochetes and suggested a regiment to follow. I began with two tablespoons a day for the first month holding it under the tongue sublingually for a minute, swishing it around the mouth for ten seconds, and then gargling and swallowing. I did the same thing for the second and third month, but only one tablespoon per day. By the end of the first two weeks my 35 different symptoms, including extreme pain, paralysis, and numbness were about 25% relieved with no side effects. By the end of the first month I was over 50% well. By the end of the second month I was 75% well. After 3 months of treatment I was 100% well. I have been 100% well for over 2 years. Was I cured from Lyme disease and candida yeast infection? In my opinion and the opinion of Dr. Willy Burgdorfer, Scientist Emeritus who discovered the spirochete as the causative agent of Lyme disease, and Dr. John Parks Trowbridge, M.D. an author and expert in the field of candida yeast infection, I appeared to be CURED. Dr. Burgdorfer, who became a close friend, then shared with me that the world would not bel ieve my results without scientific documentation. It seems that there is enough testing from universities, and reports from practitioners that the Mild Silver Protein* not only works on Lyme disease but a good deal more bacterial, viral and fungal infections.